Crystal Paine has a new ebook coming out. If you order now you can get it at a special price. I have been following her SuperMarket Savings blog post. I intend on ordering this ebook! Being frugal and saving money is great but I only have so much time in a day. If I find it would take me hours to get together everything for the coupons and shopping list I would forget it for me. My time is worth something too! She has a lot of great ideas and readers tips in the blog post so I know the ebook will be well worth your money!
Crystal wrote:
I had so much fun selling my last ebook when it was hot off the press at a sneak-peek pricing special, that I decided to do it again on my latest ebook...
Yes, that's right, my latest much-anticipated, long-procrastinated ebook, Secrets to Supermarket Savings is DONE! After contemplating writing it for almost two years, and working on putting it together for the last four months, I am so happy to have it finished!
This ebook includes the entire Supermarket Savings series I recently did on my blog in a much more thorough and organized manner. It chronicles how we eat well, have a stocked pantry and plenty of food and household items to spare, for less than $35 a week.
I've so often received requests from people who want to know the nuts and bolts of how I am able to stretch our grocery budget so far. This book shares in-depth how it's done. I've tried to make it simple and easy enough so that anyone could implement most of the ideas. No matter how much or little time you have to give to frugal shopping, I hope you can glean some helpful hints from the things I've learned over the past ten years of frugal shopping.
In addition, this ebook includes many extra tips added in from readers and friends, a list of helpful resources, my favorite sources for coupons, simple ideas for menu-planning, helpful budgeting information, practical hands-on examples for newbies and seasoned homemakers alike, my coupon organization method, the binder coupon organization method, tips on price comparing at Wal-mart, a primer on CVS shopping, and much more.
Secrets to Supermarket Savings is 45 pages long and for a very limited time, I'm offering this freshly finished edition to you all for only $3.97! I'm sure there are a few typo's (let me know if you find any!) and I'll be going over it with a finetoothed comb in the next few days before I upload it to the main section of our website, but until then, I'm extending this special deal to you!
To purchase Secrets to Supermarket Savings: Tips and Strategies to Cut Your Grocery Bill by 40-75% or More at the special sneak-peek pricing of $3.97, click here:
I hope and pray it is a blessing and encouragement to many families seeking to be wise with the resources God has given them.
Blessings to you and your family!
Crystal Paine, for Jesse and Kathrynne
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Secrets to SuperMarkets Savings EBook
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Thursday, October 12, 2006
Win $700 in products inVision Forum Contest!
I came across a blog, Life in a Shoe, and saw that Vision Forum was sponsering a contest through her blog. If you are a fan of the Vision Forum catalog like I am you will not want to miss this contest! Hurry though, the contest ends tomorrow!
From Life In A Shoe:
The new Vision Forum catalog is almost ready and due to be mailed out in the next couple of weeks. As always, they have added quite a few new items. Be sure to request a new one, but in the meantime...
Guess how many products will be in the new VISIONFORUM catalog this year?
Give me your best guess in the comments section under this post and email according to the rules below, and you might win a prize. You must email for your entry to be valid!
We'll take guesses through October 13, and the closest guess will receive an amazing prize package of Vision Forum products retailing over $700!And if that's not enough, we'll do a random drawing among the entries for 2 $50 Gift Certificates!
The rules:
Only one entry per household.
In the event of a tie, there will be a random drawing from among the tied winning entries.
For your entry to be valid, you must email a street address to be used for shipping your prize. To avoid confusion, please include your guess in the email as well. Send to This is to prevent multiple entries from a single person or household.
Entrants must be 18 years of age or older.
One prize per household.
Contest is closed to Vision Forum employees and their immediate families.
Contest ends midnight, October 13, 2006.
Bonus: Post about this contest on your blog and send a second email including the link and your street address to to be entered in a separate drawing for another gift package retailing over $700!
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Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Request for Stewart family adoption
I'm posting a portion of an email I received from Mrs. Candice Stewart concerning her families desire to adopt a group of siblings from Liberia. They have been trying to raise money for the adoption through some fundraisers. If their story touches your heart as it did mine you should visit their website and read more. Please consider helping them with the adoption if you are able.
"Above all, Mrs. Nancy Campbell, editress of Above Rubies Magazine. Now, you may wonder, why are we contacting you? We have been working several different fundraisers in order to raise the $30,000 needed to bring our three Liberian children home. Through consignment sales and garage sales, walk-a-thons and auctions, we hope to raise the funds needed to have them home by April. But we are asking for your help. ... we are asking you to consider donating an item which we could use for a silent auction. We are planning to have this auction online, if we can make the appropriate arrangements, and would love to have it set up in time to benefit those wanting to bid on items to be given as Christmas gifts. Therefore, we would love to receive all items by November 25th, in order to have them ready for the auction by the next week. In addition, all proceeds will go to Children Concerned, our adoption facilitator, and a tax receipt can be issued if desired. We would ask that you might prayerfully consider whether or not you could make a donation at this time. Even if you cannot, would you please commit to praying for us? We will update our prayer needs on the website from time-to-time and you may also sign up for our weekly update by sending an email with "subscribe" in the subject line. Also, please feel free to pass this information along to anyone you know who might like to contribute an auction item or who might commit to pray for our family.
All auction items may be sent to us at:
The Stewart Family
12421 Goldsborough Rd.
Midwest City, OK 73130
Though we would prefer to receive items by November 25th, we will continue with auctions for as long as we receive items. Please feel free to go ahead and mail your donation even if you find you have missed the deadline. Thank you so very much for your consideration in this matter!! We are truly blessed to be able to share our lives with so many of you, whom we only know through cyberspace! May the Lord bless you richly, and may we meet someday face to face, as we give glory and honor to Him!
In His Service, Candice Stewart (for the Stewart family)
Candice Stewart -- Wife to Kevin, Mama to the Stewart Tribe (Abigail, Emma,Samuel, Chaella, and Amaris), and fully devoted follower of Christ! Join the journey!!
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Admiral Chester Nimitz
A few days ago I had stopped at the library and looked through the DVD’s. I have always enjoyed studying history and one title caught my attention. It was Pearl Harbor Admiral Chester Nimitz Thunder of the Sea from the History Channel. My great-grandpa served in the Navy and was at Pearl Harbor when it was bombed by the Japanese. When I was little Grandpa told me he had brought home a piece of a plane that had exploded with parts of landing near him. I never did ask him any questions about his service in the Navy, or about the time in Pearl Harbor. I really regret that. My Mom remembers he was a faithful member of a “Survivor’s of Pearl Harbor” group. When I watched that DVD I learned more about what happened during WWII. I didn’t remember hearing about Admiral Chester Nimitz and I must say I was amazed at the character of this man. My Dad’s side of the family was career military in the Army and Air Force. So I’ve heard some things about military life. Chester Nimitz was incredibly loyal to those who served under him, kind hearted, allowed his top commanders to do their jobs while he stepped out of the way, and he was humble. I was very impressed with the life he lived! Before the war broke out he was offered a job for $25,000 a year when he made $3,000 a year in the Navy. He declined taking the job to continue serving in the Navy. After he retired from the Navy he refused to write a tell all biography for a large sum of money. He didn’t want to be writing anything that would demean or criticize the men who had served under him. Needless to say, I added him to my "hero list" and would like to read a bit more about his life.
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Thursday, October 05, 2006
Look to Jesus
What a week. I have not been in the mood for the trials God has allowed in my life one by one. I guess it's been more like telling God, "okay, time out please". My attitude had a good adjustment after hearing about the school shootings. You know my trials, though they be large in my life, still find me alive each day. I have a great deal to be grateful for. No room to complain.
I have kept up with world news off and on the past few days. It's downright scary thinking about all the wicked things happening in this world of ours. Let's see..shootings in an Amish school, Iran, Iraq, sin coming to light..need I say more? I taught my little nephew a song this weekend while we were at a camping trip with a church group. He told me he was afraid to go on the bike trail the next day. Why he was afraid I do not know. I taught him a song from a Judy Rodger's CD. It says, "When I am afraid I will trust in Him..I will trust in the Lord." Truely, when I myself am afraid that's what it boils down to. I need to stop, pour my heart out to God in prayer, and trust in Him! God is in control of this world. I belive that with all my heart. Despite the wickedness and evil that seems to prevail I believe without God's controlling Hand we would have destroyed each other by now. Nation against nation.
God blessed my heart last night. I had heard some of the comments made by Amish in the community where the school shootings occured. I heard one man say we must forgive. Another said maybe God was trying to teach them something. One man said they knew those children were with the Lord now and they wanted to meet them again someday. How can you speak in such a way? The only answer is the spirit of the Lord Jesus in your life. He taught us to pray for our enemies. Yes, those who hate and persecute you. The blessing of the comments I heard is this: they are speaking the reality of a life with Christ.
A favorite hymn of mine shares what I desire to do in the evil days that surround me.
Look for the beautiful,
look for the true;
Sunshine and shadow are all around you.
Looking at evil you grope in the night,
Looking at Jesus you walk in the light;
Look for the beautiful, honor the right.
Think of the beautiful,
think the true;
Thoughts like an avalanche sweep over you.
Keep not the multitude,
sort them with care,
Testing by purity,
purging by prayer;
Think of the beautiful,
think of the fair.
Talk of the beautiful,
talk of the true;
Tongues full of poisen are whispering to you.
Answer them not with a talebearing word,
only in blessing the voice should be heard;
Talk of the beautiful,
talk of the Lord.
Live for the beautiful,
live for the true,
Lifting the fallen as Christ lifted you.
Search for the jewels imbedded in sin;
Bring them to Jesus, his blood washes clean;
Live for the beautiful,
keep love within.
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Wednesday, October 04, 2006
This past weekend I went camping with a group from my church. We went to Watkins Mill State Park. It was the perfect weekend for camping. Not too cool or hot. The beautiful surroundings were a big plus. On Saturday we went on a tour of the woolen mill. It is the last woolen mill still standing in the US. After sitting for years it was bought at an auction for $650.00 by two men. They renovated it and opened the mill as a museum. In later years the state bought the mill, the Watkins home, and surrounding land to create the State Park. Our tour guide was great and told us all the little stories and facts about the mill. Let me just say that was a very unsafe place to work!The women running one of the machines had to rethread a spool every few minutes. To save on time the women would “kiss” the spool to pull the thread through. This spool was handled by many people in the mill. This spool was called the “kiss of death”because the women who used it were so prone to becoming ill from the germs on the spool. Our guide told us about the wool dying area. He held up a glass jar for all the little children to see. It was full of dead bugs. These bugs create the best red dye known at the time. The dye from these bugs was used for the wool and have also been used for red M&M candies. (Yuck!) What amazed me about this mill was the workers had no electricity which meant no light. The area for the dye man was so dark and this was a sunny day. That would have been a difficult task! In Missouri during the hot humid summers the workers couldn’t open the windows. They wanted it to be as humid as possible in the mill to help with the wool production. The mill was so loud when it was running it could be heard 2 miles away. It ran on a steam engine.We then took a tour of the Watkins house. One of the daughters lived in this big house until age 92 I believe. There was never any electricity, running water, or a bathroom. Mrs. Watkins had her summer kitchen built very close to the house. The roof actually attached to the main house. Cooking began at 4:30 to 6:00 in themorning. The men would usually eat first, then the children would come in, then the men. They had a very large household with 6 children, grandmother, servants, and mill workers living in their home. Mr. Watkins had a smokehouse built, kept bees, and had a huge outdoor drying rack/shed built to dry fruit. They had a massive orchard. As our home tour guide told of all the work that needed to be done each day I was very thankful I live today. No wonder they died young between illness and hard labor! It was mentioned a number of times through the mill and in the home how common sickness and death was in those days. The children would play funeral with their dolls. It made me realize what a blessing God had given the Israelites in the Old Testament with portions of the Law of Moses. God gave them instructions on purification,cleanliness, and unclean issues (see Leviticus 15 as an example) that were to be strictly obeyed. It was until the past few hundred years that the reasoning behind God’s laws became known in science. Germs, bacteria, and viruses were discovered. Now we know why it is important to eat clean meat, to clean your home after the plague has entered it, or wash your clothes and hands after touching someone who has an infection. Amazing how a historical tour can remind me how awesome God is! Later that day our group went around the 3.5 mile trail at the lake. At one point Iwas walking with a little girl, Nanna, who is quite the talker. She was running , picking up acorns for treasures, and swinging her arms as much as she could. She insisted her Daddy told her she could run faster if she swung her arms. Once she was worn out she went back to the stroller for a ride. It was beautiful on thetrail. Once it was quiet I was just walking along and praying. I love to be out in the woods to pray. There are no distractions! We had a church service in the amphitheater Sunday morning then left for home. I didn’t want to leave. It’s wonderful to stop and have a retreat from the busy days and reflect on life.
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Monday, October 02, 2006
Chicken Mole
Several years ago a coworker brought in Chicken Mole for an office lunch potluck. I put lots of sour cream on mine to be able to eat it (Pepper is my version of spicy.). It was delicious! I made some of this mole for my Mom, Dad, and sister and they thought it was gross. The mole for this recipe uses pumpkin seeds. Your mole sauce will have a definite green tint but if you like Mexican food you have to try this recipe just once. I made this recipe tonight for a potluck tomorrow. Yummy! Note: There are several mole sauces on the market. One uses chili peppers and will be very spicy! Another uses chocolate.
Chicken Mole
2-3 lbs. chicken, whole, breast or hind quarters
½ cup smooth peanut butter
Approximately 4 quarts and 1 cup water
1 cup (pumpkin) mole paste
2 garlic cloves
½ small onion
Salt to taste
1 teaspoon oil
Boil chicken in large stock pot using 4 quarts water, adding the garlic, onion, and salt lightly. Cook approximately 1 hour, do not overcook the chicken. Drain chicken broth. Set aside.
Mix mole, peanut butter, 1 cup water, and 2 cups chicken broth in blender until smooth. Heat oil in stock pot, add mole sauce, add chicken cut into bite size pieces. Cover and simmer on medium low to low heat for 20-30 minutes. This will burn easy so stir often. Sauce will thicken as it cooks. Additional broth may be added for thinner sauce. However, adding broth in small quantities is recommended until consistency desired is achieved. Serve in warmed burrito shells. Makes 6-10 servings.
Serve with Mexican Rice, refried beans, cheese, tomatoes, and sour cream as extra options.
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