Review by Caroline Allen
Full Circle Herbs
Full Circle Herbs sent me some samples to try of their fantastic herbal
products. The diaper powder I was sent is made with herbs that are gentle to
babies skin and helpful with clearing diaper rash. Use with each diaper
change or simply as needed. This powder helped clear up a nasty diaper rash
my son had. I like all the natural indredients, there us no talc! Contains Pau d'Arco Bark Powder,
Slippery Elm Bark Powder, Plantain Leaf Powder, Red Clover Herb Powder,
Lavender Flower Powder, Comfrey Leaf Powder, and Kaolin Clay. $7.00 for 2.00
dry oz.
I was also sent a tea for Nursing Mother’s to try. For someone that doesn’t
like tea I was actually able to get it down. It didn’t taste like
poison to me, so it must be great!! A tasty blend created to help the
nursing mother gently increase and maintain her milk flow. It aslo includes
several herbs to help decrease gas and stomach upset in the baby. Try to
drink 3-4 cups throughout the day. Because new moms don't have a lot of free
time, try brewing a quart for the day and keep in the refrigerator. The tea
will keep for 24 hours: reheated or drink cold. Contains: Fennel, Spearmint,
Lemon Balm, Raspberry Leaf, Blessed Thistle, Borage, Nettle and Catnip.
Packaged in a nice reusable container with brewing instructions included.
$7.00 for 2.50 oz.
To buy these great products, and many others visit Full Circle Herbs today!
Friday, November 10, 2006
Full Circle Herbs Review
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Gehman's Country Fabrics
Review by Crystal Paine of BiblicalWomanhoodonline
Gehman's Country Fabrics
Okay, I have a really big confession to make here... I'm a procrastinator. I always have great plans and it seems that I get so distracted, many of those great plans never happen.
I had promised a review of Gehman's Country Fabrics over 4 months ago and here I am, just finally doing it. Now granted, I have been quite backlogged on getting things posted on my blog and have a large file of stuff waiting to post, however, that is still not a good excuse. The real reason it hasn't gotten done is because they sent me this gorgeous fabric to make a skirt with, and, well, um... the skirt isn't done. Dare I tell it isn't even cut out? Yes, that's right folks. So anyone who still has some crazy visions of me being some "superwoman" can go up and knock me right down off of that pedastal you put me up on.
I'm not superwoman. Instead, the truth is that I'm really and truly a procrastinator. I kept saying I'd sew that skirt this week, or tomorrow. I kept moving it from my daily to-do list to the next day. I finally decided that the skirt would probably fit Kathrynne by the time I actually got it done, so I'd better just do the review, skirt or no skirt. So, here goes the review, with my great apologies to Gehman's and sincere thanks for your wonderful patience. If I ever do finish the skirt (which I'm sure I will now that I've embarrassed myself so much about it!), I'll post a picture!
I was incredibly impressed with Gehman's Country Fabrics, not only the fabric they sent, but the people themselves. Owned and operated in rural Pennsylvania, the Gehman family is committed to providing fabrics and more to women who desire to dress modestly. Their fabrics are very high quality and their customer service is above par.
Gehman's offers a wide variety of fabrics - from Tropical Breeze fabrics, to Country Rose fabrics, they are constantly adding to their stock (Take a peek here at their new fabrics for this month). They also offer custom-made cape dresses, modest slips, sewing notions, baby items, and more.
So, instead of being like me, don't procrastinate - visit their website today! You can also print their catalog right here, if you'd rather print and peruse their selections off-line.
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The Grocery Shrink ebook Review
Review by Caroline Allen
The Grocery Shrink
I was given a copy of “The Grocery Shrink” ebook to review, and was quite
impressed with what I read! For anyone who is wanting to lower their
monthly grocery bill, this e-book gives wonderful ideas on how to do that.
Here is a quote from the author, Angela Coffman:
“This book gives the story about our family and how we won top ten in a
national radio contest hosted by financial counselor and best selling author
Dave Ramsey. It gives the method I used to feed my family for less than $250
a month. No coupons required! You will receive the complete method including
printable charts and planning sheets, data tables, and my favorite recipes.
All persons buying my book will also receive an exclusive invitation to join
my Grocery Shrink e-mail group to get even more money saving tips and be
able to ask questions. You will receive this book in the mail on CDRom.”
Some of the things you will learn from this e-book include: Making menus,
Planning a pantry, Keeping a price book, how to calculate recipe costs, how
to navigate through the stores, sample menu plans, and my favorite part:
page after page of many yummy recipes! I learned a lot from her advice on
how to shop with cash, and how much money it saves you. It motivated me to
start trying that myself. She also clearly explains how to calculate how
much your recipe cost, with clear simple steps.
I would definitely recommend this e-book to anyone I know, and the price is
great! You get complete method including printable charts and planning
sheets, data tables, and her favorite recipes. All persons buying Angela's book
will also receive an exclusive invitation to join her Grocery Shrink e-mail
group to get even more money saving tips and be able to ask questions, for
only $9.99! That is a wonderful deal!
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Thursday, November 09, 2006
To Breath Again
Since last Tuesday I have been sick. It started out feeling like a sinus infection then the fever and coughing arrived. Then more and more coughing! I had bronchitis 4 years ago and have I been a little paranoid I was getting it again because of all the coughing. With the bronchitis it took me 3 months to stop coughing! I can’t stand being sick. I know I’m supposed to slow down and rest, but sitting on the couch in the middle of the day makes me feel lazy. I have a thankful list thought up from being sick. I like to stop and make thankful lists on days I'm grumbling. It gets my attitude put back where it should be, along with prayer. Try it and see if it help you!
Thankful List
1. Every time I get sick it reminds me of how blessed I am to be healthy a good portion of the year.
2. I don’t have to buy this many Kleenex’s next month.
3. I may be having trouble breathing, but other people can’t breath well all year.
4. I get to eat Campbell’s Chicken & Noodle soup.
5. When I am well I will be able to sleep lying down in my bed again.
6. This reminds me I need to take my vitamins, daily, not monthly.
7. This too shall pass.
8. I’ll be able to eat dairy products again.
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Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Election Results
This was a disappointing day. After listening to last night to election results in Missouri, and other national elections, many races were so close there seemed to be hope for Republicans to keep their seats. I woke up to find Jim Talent had lost, the Stem Cell measure had passed, and a lot of Republican seats had been lost. I heard a talk show host on the way home talking about what happened with the elections. He said if you look at the ballet initiatives in the various states the majority of what passed was conservative both socially and fiscally. He said the Republicans aren’t living up to those conservative standards. They are talking a talk but aren’t walking the walk. I have to agree. There seems to be many empty promises made that conservatives aren’t forgetting. I think it’s time for a 3rd party in this nation. I’m tired of business as usual and corruption in Washington. The other option is to have people of real character run for Republican offices. Hint to any future candidates: Try watching Mr. Smith Goes to Washington with Jimmy Stewart. Then act accordingly.
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Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Some favorite recipes
Chicken Casserole
Cook a chicken- cool, then debone it. Put in bottom of 9x13 pan. Add: 1 can mushroom soup and spread over it. Sprinkle: 1 and ½ cups self-rising flour then pour 1 ½ cups milk, 1 stick melted butter, 1 ½ cups chicken broth over it all. Bake for 1 hour at 400 degrees.
Spinach Balls makes 50
Wonderful because they can be made ahead and frozen-just bake as many as you need at a time. You can double and triple this recipe.
2 pkg. frozen chopped spinach
4 beaten eggs
2 cups herb stuffing (packaged or homemade)
½ cup Parmesan cheese
1 garlic clove, minced
1 chopped onion
1 ½ tsp. thyme
¾ cup butter, melted
Salt & pepper
Bonnie’s Zuchinni Chocolate Cake
½ cup butter
½ cup applesauce or oil
2 eggs
1 ¾ cup sugar or sucanat
Cream together
1 tsp. vanilla
2 ½ cup flour
1 tsp. baking powder
½ tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. baking soda
½ tsp. cinnamon
½ tsp. cloves
4 Tb. Cocoa
Mix dry ingredients and add to creamed mixture with:
½ cup sour cream or buttermilk
Stir in 2 cups shredded zuchinni
Pour into a greased 9x13 pan top with ½ cup chocolate chips.
Bake at 325 degrees in glass and 350 degrees in a metal pan for 40-45 minutes.
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Freezer Meals
About a week ago my Mom and sister Caroline decided to have a freezer meal day. I was baby sitting Mosiah and Israel and getting my own work done. They went out in the morning and did the grocery shopping. They came back and fixed 2 chicken devan meals, 2 chicken pot pies, and 2 creamed chickens. The next day they made 2 stockpots full of beef stew, more meatballs than I could count, 2 muffin mixes, 2 pancake mixes, and 2 meat loafs. We want to start doing this together once a month! I would like to see how much we can do with 3 of us working and watching the boys. They had a lot of fun, had plenty of freezer meals made, and will have the convience of prepared food at a late time. We want to do this for a friend who is expecting her 3rd child. What a wonderful gift for a new mom!
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Quote for the day
God gave us 2 ears and 1 mouth so we can listen twice as much as we speak.
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Monday, November 06, 2006
Vote On Tuesday!
A friendly reminder- Please exercise your responsibilty and rights as an American citizen and vote on Tuesday. Let your voice be heard!
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Friday, November 03, 2006
Quote for the day
" I am not what I ought to be. I am not what I wish to be. I am not even what I hope to be. But by the cross of Christ, I am not what I was. "John Newton of the song Amazing Grace
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Thursday, November 02, 2006
Mosiah's Cute Sayings
From this evening:
Mosiah has blond hair and blue eyes so his Nanna nicknamed him BlueBerry. I call him that sometimes myself. I asked him if he was our BlueBerry and he replied, "No, Aunt Jenny I am a strawberry!"
Mosiah is taught to say "thank you", and "may I" when he is asking for something. Now this does not always happen but he can get some cute questions out.
Coming to the door he asked, "May I have a knock knock?"
I got out his his toys. Some remarks:
"May Mosiah get blocks on his truck?"
"I am done playing with puzzles. May I play now?"
"May I have railroad track for my bull dozer?"
I turned on a tape of children singing early American Songs. He points to the tape player and says, "What are those children singing in there?"
When the tape stopped playing Mosiah came over to me and asked me where the children had gone. I turned the tape over and told him they were still there. :-)
And lastly: Looking up at me earnestly saying, "Who are those children?"
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Hi Dodie!
Attention Dodie. Word has been passed along to me that I have not been posting enough about my nephews. I'll take this into consideration and try to keep you more updated on them. :-) Mosiah just told me he is sick. I better go investigate that!
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Bravo To Mothers
I have a lot of respect for mothers of young children. As my nephews get older I see them often and get a taste of motherhood. Though at times it can be a gross muti tasking job, it has such sweet rewards. My Mom and sister are working on freezer meals this evening and tomorrow. My brother-in-law had not arrived from work yet so I was watching Mosiah (3) and Israel (1) while I worked at the computer. I have been sick the past few days with a combination of coughing and what feels like a sinus infection. I was awake till the wee hours coughing and was really behind on work for New Little Blessing with sleeping in once I fell asleep after 2 am. Mothers have little ones to care for even if they are sick! How do you keep up with all this? Mosiah and Israel have runny noses. Major time. That really grosses me out! Faithful aunt that I try to be, I would look up from the computer to see a nose that needed immediate attention. After 30 minutes of this I realized a nephew had left the room. The reason: diarrhea, and yes I got it all over my hands as I put him in the shower. The other runny nose nephew comes over and uses my shirt sleeve as a Kleenex. Need I say more? Despite all this I love children and my nephews especially! Mosiah came over to me and kept asking, “Aunt Jenny, please hold me.” He sat on my lap as I typed. He started hitting the keyboard. I explained to him Aunt Jenny was working like his Papa works in his Joinery shop. He wouldn’t want to hurt Papa’s work. That’s what he was doing hitting the key board. He was hurting Aunt Jenny’s work. That impressed him and he looked up saying he was sorry to hurt my work. The little Blue Berry sweety.:-)
Time to go! I promised to play puzzles with Mosiah after he ate supper.
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The Most Beautiful Song
There is something about music that touches the soul. It can be for the good or the bad. I grew up in a musical home. My Mom, brother, sister, and I would gather around the piano to sing hymns before we started our school day. On many a Sunday afternoon we could be found around the piano singing hymns or practicing for church. My Grandpa and my Mom both loved classical music. We had many music classes where we sat listening to classical music and learned to identify the composers by their composition style. I have admired the beautiful voices of Julie Andrews, Josh Groban, Charlotte Church, and others. I know it takes a great deal of hard work and voice training to sing like an angel! However the most beautiful song I have ever heard was one that a man sung from his heart.
Mel was an elderly man who attended my grandparents church in Tampa, FL. I would talk with Mel and his wife Banita each time I was visiting my grandparents. They both were very sweet. I sang at their church each time I was there, and Mel always came to talk to me about music. One Sunday I realized Mel was going to provide the special music for the service. Granny told me she was surprised Mel would even attempt to sing. Mel was in very poor health. He had diabetes, serious heart problems, could not breath well and was on an oxygen tank. Yet Mel had a heart to praise the Lord. He wanted to sing!
At the beginning of the service Mel stood up with his oxygen tank and began singing “I Love You Lord”. It is the most beautiful song I have ever heard because watching that man you could see his heart of praise on his face. Tears were running down his cheeks. He was off key and couldn’t hold the notes but he sang that song to the end. Mel told me after the service he knew he sounded terrible but he wanted to praise God before the people he loved. I told him how much his song had meant to me. The next Sunday morning I sat down and the congregation was told Mel had died during the night. Immediately I thought of the last time I saw Mel. He was singing and sharing what the most important thing in his life was. It was Jesus Christ. The scriptures say that man looks at the outside but God looks at the heart.What a blessing to hear the voice of a beautiful heart. If I could talk to Mel again I would say thank you Mel for the blessing of hearing your singing!
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