Saturday, March 03, 2007
My Sweet Nephews
Here's a current picture of my two cute nephews, Mosiah and Israel. Mosiah is a busy boy and helps his Mamma Caroline keep track of little Israel. You can count on Mosiah to start saying, "Israel no, no!" when Israel gets into something he shouldn't. Like pulling all the CD's out of the CD rack! Israel doesn't seem to have a need to talk yet. His talking consist of his own little language and pointing. I try to get him to talk but he's not real interested in it yet. The day will come. I keep wondering what he will be chattering about.:-)
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Thursday, March 01, 2007
Emergency Weather Radio
Last week my Aunt called and informed me a tornado had touched down about 5 miles from were I live. I told her I didn’t know about it. She was surprised being used to the emergency weather sirens in the city. I live out in the country. We don’t have that luxury out here! I had looked out the window and saw the weather was pretty bad but never turned on the radio. Then last night we had another bad storm come through the area. I thought it would be a good idea to get an emergency weather radio. After looking around I decided a radio alarm clock with S.A.M.E. would be the best. You can program these for the county you live in and get warnings through the night. I found one on, the Desktop Weather Radio/ Alarm Clock, model 12-262 for 69.99. The other kind I was looking at was at LLBean. It is a hand crank weather radio with a adapter to charge your cell phone battery if the electricity is out. The disadvantage is in bad weather you have to leave it on all the time instead of the alarm that will sound off for your specific area with the desktop alarm.
I’ve still been wishing for one more good snow so I can go sledding one more time. It looks unlikely being March 1 but with MO weather you never know. There’s a great snowing hill across the way calling my name.:-)
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