Friday, May 30, 2008


Marilyn Moll of the Urban Homemaker is offering a sale on her book, Fast and Healthy Menus for Busy Moms. I knew that Marilyn Moll has been recently widowed and thought I would like to help her business at this time. Please stop by the Urban Homemaker to look at the products she has to offer. My Mom bought an electric grain grinder a few years back and a Bosch mixer from the Urban Homemaker. She was very happy with the service from the Urban Homemaker and the products as well.

FAST AND HEALTHY MENUS FOR BUSY MOMS Reliable Recipes for Busy Families by Marilyn Moll – Pre-publication Promotion Continues with Eight Bonuses

If you and your family are tired of the pizza,hamburger, and the fast food rut and need some major cash infusion into your grocery budget....

Then Fast and Healthy Menus, provides the menus, the recipes, and grocery list to get you started to better health and drastic reduction of grocery expenses.

Menus rely on family favorite recipes the whole family will eat and basic, whole food ingredients readily found in the grocery store. No convenience products loaded with questionable ingredients, additives, or preservatives are used

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