Friday, June 16, 2006

An Evening Rain

My Mom, sister, and I had a table at a homeschool convention this morning. My nephew Mosiah went to work with his Papa and spent the morning watching and helping as much as a 2 year old can. That nephew of mine is fascinated with his Papa’s cabinet shop! While they worked we had a slow morning at the convention. Israel took a nap. That’s the advantage of being a baby. :-) I don’t believe it was advertised too well this year. At noon we loaded up the rest of our table and went our separate ways. Caroline has been planning a Father’s Day picnic for our church. We went to Cosco and purchased various food items needed for the picnic. Once again I was impressed with all the organic food you can purchase at Cosco! Caroline found Coleman Natural All Beef hot dogs. They have no nitrates, hormones, or antibiotics. We always avoid hot dogs due to the mixture of parts included and these other additions mentioned. The children will be happy to get the hot dogs!

We ran into Wal-mart to pick up some other items for the picnic and get Father’s Day cards and presents. We didn't plan on this but saw each other this morning and realized we both had chose the same outfit for the day. Several ladies asked us if we were twins. No, but there are areas in life where it feels like we are twins! Such as the times she looks at me and tells me what I'm thinking. Or we pick out the same clothes for the day.

After driving back to her house Caroline was getting ready for an evening out with her hubby. I was watching Mosiah and Israel until my Mom arrived to help.

My evening job was filling water balloons for the picnic. Caroline bought 500 balloons. I still love you sis, but I’ve got a few balloons to toss at you tomorrow.:-) I had never filled water balloons before. Baby Israel was sitting in a stroller sucking his thumb and intently watching the proceedings. I was sitting near the outdoor spigot and hose with the little balloon filling attachment screwed on. I brought out a huge green container waiting to be filled. Mosiah was thrilled when the water was turned on. We began with Mosiah holding the hose for Aunt Jenny. By balloon number 10 I had called Caroline. “I know I thought this was a good idea, but don’t expect to have water balloons at the park tomorrow.” I had already popped 3, and in the process of trying to tie them had been scraping skin off my pinkie finger. 500 balloons? At this rate there wouldn’t be much of my pinkie finger left! I made a SOS call to a water ballon professional, my friend Rachael. I told her I had thought, “Why can’t we just toss each other into the lake? It would be so much easier.” Laughing, Rachael filled me in on all the tricks of the trade. Around 150 balloons later I can say her suggestions were great. Mosiah had an absolute blast. He held the hose for me when I needed it for a balloon. All other moments were spent soaking himself, me, and my car. He laughed and laughed. I’m thinking a sprinkler is going to show up at his house soon as a gift from Aunt Jenny.:-)

After we came in my Mom was able to get Israel to go to sleep. I asked her to brush Mosiah’s teeth for me. Mosiah has always used his baby toothpaste. Mom thought he was using Caroline and Sean’s toothpaste. At the first taste of this new product Mosiah promptly started screaming, letting us see a nice mouthful of white foaming paste. Once he was calmed down it was time for bedtime singing and prayers. Mosiah is so sweet with his prayers. I think he prays for everything in his current vocabulary. Tonight he included great-papa’s hay, mice, and the water balloons. He also prayed for Aunt Jenny to feel good. I didn’t know I was sick!:-)

Mosiah has a little fan sitting on a shelf at the end of his bunk bed. That little guy already knows if he wants his fan on high or low. I turned it on high and he promptly reached up and set it on low then settled back under his sheet. He’s a character. What precious moments to be thankful for!

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