Thursday, November 02, 2006

Mosiah's Cute Sayings

From this evening:

Mosiah has blond hair and blue eyes so his Nanna nicknamed him BlueBerry. I call him that sometimes myself. I asked him if he was our BlueBerry and he replied, "No, Aunt Jenny I am a strawberry!"

Mosiah is taught to say "thank you", and "may I" when he is asking for something. Now this does not always happen but he can get some cute questions out.

Coming to the door he asked, "May I have a knock knock?"

I got out his his toys. Some remarks:
"May Mosiah get blocks on his truck?"
"I am done playing with puzzles. May I play now?"
"May I have railroad track for my bull dozer?"

I turned on a tape of children singing early American Songs. He points to the tape player and says, "What are those children singing in there?"
When the tape stopped playing Mosiah came over to me and asked me where the children had gone. I turned the tape over and told him they were still there. :-)
And lastly: Looking up at me earnestly saying, "Who are those children?"

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