Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Importance of Your Family History

As a co-workers father was dying it reminded me of similiar times in my own life. I have been with my great-grandpa, great-grandma, and one of my grandpa's when they died. As I thought back to those times today I was reminded of the time I took with one of my Grandpa's to ask him to tell me stories of his childhood, adulthood, and the life he lived. I asked him what he wished he had done differently. With my great-grandpa I didn't ask him very much about his childhood and family history and wish now that I had. My great-grandpa did tell me several days before he died what he wished he had done with his life. That has affected me greatly. The most important thing he said to me was he realized he had wasted his entire life as he lived for himself and not for the Lord. I don't mention this to be morbid but to realize the nature of the life and we have on earth. Read this email newsletter from the Vision Forum that speaks to the topic, " The Importance of Your Family History."

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