Monday, December 03, 2007

Out of the mouths of babes...

My brother-in-laws birthday is tomorrow and my sister and I were running into several stores with her sons this evening looking for Sean's birthday present and buying his Christmas presents. After supper her 4 year old son, Mosiah, started coughing, and didn't stop! He has been coughing at night the last few days but this was especially lengthy. Mosiah didn't seem to be doing it for attention. Caroline and I were asking Mosiah at the same time if he was okay. In between coughs he said, Mama, I need my vitamins!" Caroline has started giving him the liquid SuperKids Vitamins from Beeyoutiful that we now carry with New Little Blessing to see what she thought of them. Caroline and I burst out laughing when he said that. He was so serious. I think he has been enjoying that orange flavor more than she realized!

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