Friday, April 04, 2008

Caroline's Birth Announcement

My sister Caroline and her husband Sean welcomed their third child, and first daughter, to their family on Easter Sunday. I am sharing the birth announcement Caroline wrote and some pictures. Carianna is so sweet and looks just like Caroline did when she born!

It's a Girl!

Carianna Jewel Allen was born March 23rd, at 12:53, on her Mama's Birthday, Carianna's Due Date, and Easter Sunday! She is 20 inches long, and weighs somewhere between 8-9 pounds. The baby scales broke as our midwife tried to weigh her, so that is as close as we could get using regular scales. We are all doing well, she is sleeping and eating and cries only when her diaper is changed! So far she is very peaceful, and her brothers love to hold her and love her. And of course her Papa can't stop kissing and loving on his little girl! God has blessed us greatly, and we are so very thankful. Thank you to everyone who has been praying for us!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Aunty! What a sweet little girl : )