Saturday, June 27, 2009

Giveaway: Car Seat Cover

At the Thrifty and Chic Mom she has a car seat cover giveaway. She had this to say about the car seat cover:

I had heard of car seat covers in the past and in my pre-toddler days wondered what is the point? You can take the padding out and wash it right? So other than the cute look is it really that beneficial? Well the answer is YES! As I soon found out while you can take the cover out it is a HUGE hassle. You have to undo all the straps, ect., ect. and I found myself letting the car seat get pretty gross before washing it since it was such a pain. Baby Bella Maya makes adorable car seat covers and sent me the Ocean Mist toddler car seat from their couture collection to try out. First of all it looks very chic and my daughter loves her pretty new car seat ( so does mommy!), but beyond that it really is very functional. It covers all those crevices and places that crumbs like to hide in and you can easily grab the mess before it falls way down in the car seat. It also removes very easily for washing so it is no big deal to keep my daughters car seat looking great.

Go here to enter the giveaway and read her complete review.

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