Saturday, June 27, 2009

Giveaway: SwellyBelly

Here's a fun giveaway for all you pregnant moms. I had never heard of this until now but at the Thrifty Minnesota Mamma enter to get one and try it out.

She said: Now that my belly is slowly expanding (I'm 3 months pregnant) I have become aware of some of my shirts slowly getting shorter. No I'm not shrinking them in the wash, but I definitely remember (from my first pregnancy) how short regular shirts become once your belly starts to pop out. Being that I really only wear maternity clothes for six months I hate to go out and buy a whole wardrobe of new shirts.
SwellyBelly from Nine Moons solves this problem. You wear the SwellyBelly under your shirts as a layering accessory to help "lengthen" your shirts and allow you to wear them longer. You simply slide it over your head and the elastic on the top and bottom holds it in place. Personally I love the layered look anyway so I think it really looks great and extends the life of your pre-maternity wardrobe.

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