This morning my 2 year old nephew, Mosiah, was playing with a new ABC’s puzzle Great-Granny gave him. My sister Caroline walked out of the room and came back in to find all the ABC’s missing. One was found trailing the edge of the couch. We pulled out the couch to find this toddler’s lost and found pile. Every book Caroline had been trying to find was in a pile along the wall. My lost long distance calling card, several socks (see the dryer doesn’t really eat them up, the couch does it!), some cooking utensils, and yes those ABC’s. Mosiah’s eyes lit up when he saw all these treasures. “Nenny, Nenny..Iah, Iah” Translated he was asking to come back behind the couch with me. Just think how exciting these small moments in life are to a 2 year old! Yesterday Mosiah spent time with his Nanna helping to transplant strawberries in the garden dirt. Nanna has a golf cart to putter around in. Mosiah’s face was priceless as he sat on her lap helping drive. Great-Papa has a bobcat he was working with. Mosiah is all boy, his favorite reading books are of tractors and machinery. Then to see a live bobcat in action! Well, he could hardly contain himself. His favorite animal is a dog, he got to see 4 of them at Nanna’s. What a day he had in the adventures of a 2 year old! He was fast asleep not far down the road on the way home. I watched his face as he slept and remembered the words of Christ.
“ And he took a child, and sat in the midst of them; and when he had taken the child in his arms, he said unto them, Whosoever shall humble himself like one of these children, and receiveth me, ye shall receive in my name. And whosoever shall receive me, receiveth not me only, but him that sent me, even the Father.” Mark 9:33-35
“Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not; for of such is the kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.” Mark 10:12, 13
I have read these scriptures many times. As I have watched the little friends about me, and now see my nephews growing, I realize how much I have to learn. The love and humble spirit a child can have. The joy! Mosiah is so excited to walk with God as he sees his parent’s example. When it is time to pray he does not hesitate to fall on his knees. If all the grownups in the room don’t follow suit he looks up with solemn blue eyes to wonder why. Do you know what money is for to a child? Money is here to give to God. Mosiah is happy to go to church. On the way he says, “pray, money, pray, God.” We part with our money so reluctantly as an adult. At mealtime Mosiah looks at the food, and says, “money’. Yes, the money from God bought the food he is told. In these moments I realize how much my spirit needs to change in Christ to become as a child. I desire the kingdom of God!
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Become as a Little Child
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1 comment:
Your little nephew sounds just like my 3yo brother! Justus is also all boy and loves to pray! Every time someone prays he asks if he can pray first, then he proceeds to tell God everything he's done that day and what he's planning on doing later on. When you ask him what he's gonna be when he grows up, he always says "I'm gonna be a man of God!". With 7 older siblings and 5 cousins around a lot, he's a very versitile child. He can sit in on an adult conversation and sometimes he perks up and gives his input, then the next minute he's playing house with the girl, then he'll go rough house (and be VERY rough sometimes) with the boys.
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