Complaints. We are all good at them. You know that expression, "the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence." I learned a great deal about the complaints of others, and my own sinful complaining heart, as I worked as a dental assistant. We complain about what we don't have, and want more when we get it. I want to have a joyful heart thanking the Lord in all situations. A good lesson in this for me was the weather. I like it when it snows. Each winter I would tell patients in the office, "oh I hope it snows." I was informed on a number of occasions if that's how I felt to be quiet and move into another state. These Missourians I encountered had no desire for such an inconvenience. Now, I don't think we all need to actually enjoy the snow. Sometimes we need the snow for moisture, to let the land get a drink in the middle of winter. That's how God planned it here in the Midwest. It causes a thirst when it doesn't arrive, despite our complaints.
Then the rain. Oh that's another one all together! I heard complaints over and over on those rainy days. It's such a pain to have dripping umbrella's and puddles. Or so we think. Then the rain ceases and the word drought comes into the Missouri vocabulary. We sit and look at the sky and wait. Families in the city grumble as they turn on the sprinkler waiting for the higher water bill. Farmers are worrying about their pond levels for the livestock, their crops, their hay cuttings being shorter. A thirst arrives.
Friday night the storm blew in. The rain came that was so sorely needed. A hail storm came with it. Is my car dented? Was the crop hurt?
Saturday night it storms again. Oh bother the soccer game is rained out! Did it have to rain today?
Sunday night, then Monday night ,more rain comes. Oh dear, I have to drive to town. I wish it would stop pouring!
You see how it goes? It's the spirit of our hearts. Are we looking for the bad, the inconvenience, the tragedy of it all? Are we looking with thankful hearts for the blessing? The blade of tender mercy shooting up from the wreckage of the storm? The beauty of the forest after a Mount St. Helen in our life?
Drought. We pray for rain.
Rain. We complain.
Hail. Why me?
Flood. How dare you Lord! I didn't deserve this.
Drought. Oh for a drop of rain Lord. Just a drop!
I want to hunger and thirst for righteousness. To have a thankful heart. To be looking forward to the water God brings to my soul. He knows in what form it should come. I have grumbled and complained about the rain, hail, and flood but He allowed it all for a reason. In drought I am humbled and brought to my knees. Would I have been there if God hadn't brought the drought? The Garden of Eden had a constant midst watering it and bringing life. That's what God wants to be able to do with my life. That I could walk and talk with Him drinking of the everlasting water so I will never thrist. Water so pure and sweet I will never complain. It's perfect. Oh to be a grateful heart! To be at a place God isn't required to humble me to get me to listen. To look up and say, "Oh Lord I will obey." With a child's heart blow flowers upward to the heaven's saying "Jesus". Perfect faith. Loving trust.
Thank you Lord for the rain today!
Monday, April 24, 2006
Watering Our Lives
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