The Daily Mail in London is reporting the amazing story of a British twin who survived an attempt to end his life before birth. Doctors had discovered he was smaller than his twin and had an enlarged heart. They opined that if he were to die before birth, he might endanger the life of the other twin. The parents were convinced and agreed to the abortion.[Did they ever think to ask, "If Baby A might die if Baby B dies in vitro, why are we going to kill Baby B ourselves, thereby potentially endangering Baby A?"]Doctors attempted to cut the infant's umbilical cord, but it was too strong to cut through. They then cut the mother's placenta in half to hopefully extinguish the life of the smaller babe while keeping the larger one alive. In short, the docs tried to apply Darwin's theory of survival of the fittest. But, the child proved all wrong and lived through both attempts. He was later delivered safely and is now at home growing strong...
Mrs Jones [mother of the twins] said: "They told us that if he died, it could be life threatening for his brother.
"We had to decide whether to end his life and let his brother live, or risk them both."
They said it would be impossible to keep him alive afterwards...
It would be kinder to let him die in the womb with his brother by his side than to die alone after being born.
"That made my mind up for me. I wanted the best thing for him."
This amazing story was pointed out to me by my sister Caroline who read it at Biblical Womanhood.
Thursday I was at a customer’s home and we started talking about the weather. This elderly lady knew a man who had been the head of a department with the National Weather service. As we spoke of tornadoes and hurricanes she shared how this man would get so frustrated that despite technology there was much they couldn’t predict about the weather. I told her that’s because they aren’t God! In an insurance policy these acts of weather man can’t control are called officially, acts of God. It seems we do acknowledge God when disaster strikes! As I read this story about the twin boys I realized here again is a situation where Doctors, who are men/women of the flesh, were trying to be God. The parents then were trusting in the so called wisdom of the doctors. We look at situations and try to determine with our own understanding and reasoning what could, would, or should happen. The trouble is we forget we are not God! We need to pause and acknowledge to God we do not know all. As in the miracle of these twins both living despite the reasoning of Doctors as to what should happen, there stepped into play one item they were not reckoning with, an act of God. It seems from time to time God steps into a situation in this world to remind us He is alive and ruler over all.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Despite two abortion attempts, twin survives
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