Friday, November 16, 2007

Frugal Fridays: Lower your Heating Bill

Over at Biblical Womanhood it's another frugal Friday. Today’s topic is lowering your heating bill. Here’s my tip!I get cold easy and when winter hits I seem to be the one in the family freezing at night. Besides using a pile of blankets, the best thing to help me stay warm is a good set of fleece pajamas. A few years ago my Mom bought my sister and I some nice fleece pajama tops and bottoms from Kohls. They are a thick fleece and I can’t believe how warm I stay in those PJ’s! I keep so warm in fact that I only wear them on real cold nights or I wake up in the middle of the night and have to change into something cooler! Last night I wore them and was so hot I could only use a sheet instead of a blanket. Wear a nice warm pair of socks and the only thing that will be cold is your nose. :-)
Another thought that my Mom mentioned is buying a fleece bottom sheet and top sheet for your set. My parents have a set of fleece sheets on their bed and it keeps them very warm. Bundle everyone up on your house with fleece PJ's and fleece bedsheets and who knows how low you turn the heater down at night!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is a beautiful blog. Thanks for sharing. Glad I stopped to read.