Friday, April 14, 2006

Original Tortilla Recipe

I am going to re-post Carissa's Tortilla Recipe. She sent the original recipe which gave more steps and details than the last posting. Thanks Carissa!

Carissa's Original Tortilla Recipe

About 6 cups flour (whatever proportions of whole or white bread flour you desire)
1/1/2 tsp. salt
½ c. oil
2 ¼ cups warm water
Little honey if preferred (1-2 TBS)
Mix together, starting with about 5 cups of flour then knead, adding the rest of the flour as necessary, until smooth and gluten is developed. Cut into equal proportions with pizza cutter (makes about 20-25 tortillas).
You may round the pieces by rolling them in your hands slightly if desired as this achieves a more uniformly rounded shape. *****Let rest for 10-15 minutes****
(MOST IMPORTANT STEP) Roll out on a floured surface withfloured rolling pin- about 1/8” thick. Cook on ungreased (cast iron if youhave it) skillet on med-high heat about 30 sec. per side or until small brown specks develop. Keep warm until time to serve (in foil or unsealed ziploc.)
Keeps well in freezer for up to 2 months if they are completely cooled before sealing in baggie.
Keeps well in fridge for 1-1 ½ weeks ifsealed well.
Variations: With fruit, add some cinnamon and nutmeg, then increase the honey slightly.
For color: add chili powder and some cumin, parsley, or basil if serving with non-hispanic dishes.
For special occasions such as the Passover dinner – add ground coriander seed and extra honey as Exo 16:31 says: “And the house of Israel called the name thereof Manna; and it was like coriander seed, white; and the taste of it was like wafers made with honey.”

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