Friday, July 14, 2006

Tylenol PM Warning

My Mom has Lupus and has had trouble falling asleep at night for several years. She had tried a sleeping prescription from her Dr. She stopped using it because the prescription was requiring higher and higher doses to be effective as time went by. On top of the insomnia, she was in pain due various Lupus related immune problems. About 3 months ago she started taking 1 Tylenol PM before she went to bed. It did seem to help. So she kept it up. I don’t believe she discussed this with her Dr. Last week she went in to have blood work done. One of the test showed her liver enzymes were elevated. This is the step before liver damage occurs. Her Dr. said it was because of the Tylenol PM she was taking. My Mom was not aware this could happen so quickly. So if you take Tylenol PM, or know someone who does, it would be wisdom to tell your Dr. and have your liver enzymes checked out!

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