Friday, September 29, 2006

The Chicken Culprit

I woke up this morning hearing a commotion at the chicken coop. I grabbed a jacket and ran down with Reagan the kitten running behind me. I found a dead chicken in a far corner of the chicken yard. Our chicken coop is at the edge of a wooded area. As I looked around I heard a little rustle and peered in the woods to see a huge raccoon staring at me. The only thing I had nearby was a snow shovel. I grabbed it and beat on a post to scare it off. Now I know who the chicken thief is! No wonder it’s a huge raccoon after eating a chicken a day. I’m thinking I will come home to find our hen count at 0 unless I lock it in the coop. This is why we need a good watch dog! My Annie would have never let this happen.

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