Monday, October 02, 2006

Chicken Mole

Several years ago a coworker brought in Chicken Mole for an office lunch potluck. I put lots of sour cream on mine to be able to eat it (Pepper is my version of spicy.). It was delicious! I made some of this mole for my Mom, Dad, and sister and they thought it was gross. The mole for this recipe uses pumpkin seeds. Your mole sauce will have a definite green tint but if you like Mexican food you have to try this recipe just once. I made this recipe tonight for a potluck tomorrow. Yummy! Note: There are several mole sauces on the market. One uses chili peppers and will be very spicy! Another uses chocolate.

Chicken Mole

2-3 lbs. chicken, whole, breast or hind quarters
½ cup smooth peanut butter
Approximately 4 quarts and 1 cup water
1 cup (pumpkin) mole paste
2 garlic cloves
½ small onion
Salt to taste
1 teaspoon oil

Boil chicken in large stock pot using 4 quarts water, adding the garlic, onion, and salt lightly. Cook approximately 1 hour, do not overcook the chicken. Drain chicken broth. Set aside.

Mix mole, peanut butter, 1 cup water, and 2 cups chicken broth in blender until smooth. Heat oil in stock pot, add mole sauce, add chicken cut into bite size pieces. Cover and simmer on medium low to low heat for 20-30 minutes. This will burn easy so stir often. Sauce will thicken as it cooks. Additional broth may be added for thinner sauce. However, adding broth in small quantities is recommended until consistency desired is achieved. Serve in warmed burrito shells. Makes 6-10 servings.

Serve with Mexican Rice, refried beans, cheese, tomatoes, and sour cream as extra options.

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