Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Freezer Meals

About a week ago my Mom and sister Caroline decided to have a freezer meal day. I was baby sitting Mosiah and Israel and getting my own work done. They went out in the morning and did the grocery shopping. They came back and fixed 2 chicken devan meals, 2 chicken pot pies, and 2 creamed chickens. The next day they made 2 stockpots full of beef stew, more meatballs than I could count, 2 muffin mixes, 2 pancake mixes, and 2 meat loafs. We want to start doing this together once a month! I would like to see how much we can do with 3 of us working and watching the boys. They had a lot of fun, had plenty of freezer meals made, and will have the convience of prepared food at a late time. We want to do this for a friend who is expecting her 3rd child. What a wonderful gift for a new mom!

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