Friday, November 10, 2006

Full Circle Herbs Review

Review by Caroline Allen
Full Circle Herbs

Full Circle Herbs sent me some samples to try of their fantastic herbal
products. The diaper powder I was sent is made with herbs that are gentle to
babies skin and helpful with clearing diaper rash. Use with each diaper
change or simply as needed. This powder helped clear up a nasty diaper rash
my son had. I like all the natural indredients, there us no talc! Contains Pau d'Arco Bark Powder,
Slippery Elm Bark Powder, Plantain Leaf Powder, Red Clover Herb Powder,
Lavender Flower Powder, Comfrey Leaf Powder, and Kaolin Clay. $7.00 for 2.00
dry oz.

I was also sent a tea for Nursing Mother’s to try. For someone that doesn’t
like tea I was actually able to get it down. It didn’t taste like
poison to me, so it must be great!! A tasty blend created to help the
nursing mother gently increase and maintain her milk flow. It aslo includes
several herbs to help decrease gas and stomach upset in the baby. Try to
drink 3-4 cups throughout the day. Because new moms don't have a lot of free
time, try brewing a quart for the day and keep in the refrigerator. The tea
will keep for 24 hours: reheated or drink cold. Contains: Fennel, Spearmint,
Lemon Balm, Raspberry Leaf, Blessed Thistle, Borage, Nettle and Catnip.
Packaged in a nice reusable container with brewing instructions included.
$7.00 for 2.50 oz.

To buy these great products, and many others visit Full Circle Herbs today!

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