Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Thy List To Be Done Today

I have had this list written up on the inside of my prayer journal for about 6 years. I love "to do" list. I seem to have endless "to do" lists right now. They are in my head and written down. I printed this list out today to place on my desk at work. As I look at the list it will remind me of this list reflects the goals of my heart, the ones of eternal value, and remind me the daily task of this world are truely fleeting.
~Thy List To Be Done Today~
Abide with Christ
Walk within thy house with a perfect heart
Have the law of kindness on thy tongue
Fret not
Be anxious for nothing
Love God with all thine heart
Put others first
Harbor no unforgiveness
Pity not thyself
Resist Satan
Rejoice evermore
Pray without ceasing
Forsake wrath
Love mercy
Yield not to temptation


Anonymous said...

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God Bless

Jennifer said...

Thanks Heather. Glad you like the website. I will stop by your blog soon. :-)
