SuperMom vitamins came to our attention as we heard mother after mother raving about the energy help they had received from Supermom. This had to be looked into. We were really impressed with this product! SuperMom has many great vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. We have used a nutrient included, Spirulina, in the past to help balance blood sugar levels. Take SuperMom with Bone Ami for a highly recommended complete pre-natal vitamin. SuperMom vitamins are great for men too!
Renee shares her experience with SuperMom vitamins:
“I have been taking the vitamins for almost two weeks. I have noticed an improvement in my general health and a big improvement in energy. The recommended dosage is 2 tablets a day. The first several days I took 2 in the morning. Since then I have been taking 1 in the morning and 1 in the afternoon. I feel that dividing up the dosage has been more beneficial to me.”
Caroline shares:
“I have been on different multi vitamins over the years, and not have seen much difference in my energy. I took SuperMom vitamins for two days and could already tell a difference! They don’t need time to build up in your system, which is why they work so quickly. I gave them to my husband at lunch time to take, and he could tell a big difference in his energy also. I highly recommend the SuperMom vitamins to anyone, male or female!”
Along with a good multi-vitamin, calcium and magnesium are essential to take. Taking calcium at a young age helps prevent many bone diseases. Osteoporosis runs in the ladies of our family so we need to keep our calcium intake in mind. It also is important to take when you are pregnant or nursing, as it can be hard to get all of the calcium we need. There are many different calcium supplements, but a liquid is the easiest for our bodies to absorb. Bone Ami is highly recommended to take along with the Supermom as a well balanced prenatal.
Caroline and her husband Sean have been taking the SuperMom vitamins and immediately noticed an improvement in their energy levels. Caroline was pretty excited about these suppliments and before I knew it we were carrying these products at New Little Blessing. Being the frugal gal I am, I'll be using the SuperMom vitamins as soon as I finish the vitamins I already had.:-) Besides the energy help reports from so many Moms, I was also impressed with the price. One bottle last for 3 months at the same cost I was spending per month!
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
SuperMom Vitamins & Bone Ami
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Best Homemade Granola
I'm not a big fan of granola. I like it best in yogurt. I've never found a recipe that I thought was delicious until my friend Rebecca Inglis gave me a bag of her granola. I couldn’t believe how yummy it was! That granola never made it into a bowl of yogurt. I had finished eating it all by the time I pulled into the driveway. (It is a 45 minute drive.) She made the recipe without any of the options. So here’s the recipe:
Best HomeMade Granola
1 cup butter or coconut oil
½ cup olive oil
¾ cup Sucanat or brown sugar
1 cup honey
2 Tb. Molasses
1 Tb. Vanilla
½ tsp. salt
8 cups rolled oats
2 cups Grape-Nuts
1 cup wheat germ
Optional: 1 cup sunflower seeds
½ cup walnuts
1 cup raisins
4 cups coconut
Boil the first 7 ingredients together for 1 minute. Cool: add the next 3-7 ingredients. Bake at 325 degrees for 24 minutes, stirring once in the middle until just browned. It will still be sticky. Stir to break up the clumps as it cools. Add raisins to mixture if desired when cool.
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Monday, April 24, 2006
Watering Our Lives
Complaints. We are all good at them. You know that expression, "the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence." I learned a great deal about the complaints of others, and my own sinful complaining heart, as I worked as a dental assistant. We complain about what we don't have, and want more when we get it. I want to have a joyful heart thanking the Lord in all situations. A good lesson in this for me was the weather. I like it when it snows. Each winter I would tell patients in the office, "oh I hope it snows." I was informed on a number of occasions if that's how I felt to be quiet and move into another state. These Missourians I encountered had no desire for such an inconvenience. Now, I don't think we all need to actually enjoy the snow. Sometimes we need the snow for moisture, to let the land get a drink in the middle of winter. That's how God planned it here in the Midwest. It causes a thirst when it doesn't arrive, despite our complaints.
Then the rain. Oh that's another one all together! I heard complaints over and over on those rainy days. It's such a pain to have dripping umbrella's and puddles. Or so we think. Then the rain ceases and the word drought comes into the Missouri vocabulary. We sit and look at the sky and wait. Families in the city grumble as they turn on the sprinkler waiting for the higher water bill. Farmers are worrying about their pond levels for the livestock, their crops, their hay cuttings being shorter. A thirst arrives.
Friday night the storm blew in. The rain came that was so sorely needed. A hail storm came with it. Is my car dented? Was the crop hurt?
Saturday night it storms again. Oh bother the soccer game is rained out! Did it have to rain today?
Sunday night, then Monday night ,more rain comes. Oh dear, I have to drive to town. I wish it would stop pouring!
You see how it goes? It's the spirit of our hearts. Are we looking for the bad, the inconvenience, the tragedy of it all? Are we looking with thankful hearts for the blessing? The blade of tender mercy shooting up from the wreckage of the storm? The beauty of the forest after a Mount St. Helen in our life?
Drought. We pray for rain.
Rain. We complain.
Hail. Why me?
Flood. How dare you Lord! I didn't deserve this.
Drought. Oh for a drop of rain Lord. Just a drop!
I want to hunger and thirst for righteousness. To have a thankful heart. To be looking forward to the water God brings to my soul. He knows in what form it should come. I have grumbled and complained about the rain, hail, and flood but He allowed it all for a reason. In drought I am humbled and brought to my knees. Would I have been there if God hadn't brought the drought? The Garden of Eden had a constant midst watering it and bringing life. That's what God wants to be able to do with my life. That I could walk and talk with Him drinking of the everlasting water so I will never thrist. Water so pure and sweet I will never complain. It's perfect. Oh to be a grateful heart! To be at a place God isn't required to humble me to get me to listen. To look up and say, "Oh Lord I will obey." With a child's heart blow flowers upward to the heaven's saying "Jesus". Perfect faith. Loving trust.
Thank you Lord for the rain today!
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Saturday, April 22, 2006
The Heavenly Man
As I read the story of the Asian woman who protested during the Chinese president’s White House visit, I was reminded of our freedoms as Americans. Though she is facing a fine or jail sentence, she will not be tortured or killed as would happen in so many other countries. From what I heard on the radio as her protest began Chinese television stations went black. Last year I read the story of The Heavenly Man. Now whenever I think of China I remember Brother Yun’s testimony and think of the persucution endured by Chinese Christians.
"The Heavenly Man by Brothur Yun with Paul Hattaway is the intensely dramatic story of how God took a young, half-starved boy from a poor village in Henan Province and used him mightily to preach the gospel despite horrific opposition and persecution. Brother Yun is one of China’s house church leaders, a man who from his youth has suffered prolonged tortures and imprisonments for his faith. However, throughout the book Yun kept pointing to the character and heart of Jesus."
This is a book that changed my life. Reading of this man’s utter devotion to God, despite all circumstances, challenged me to look at my lack of utmost faith. Beginning with his year of prayer and fasting to receive the Word of God, on through his imprisonments and torture, I realize how blessed we are. Though forces around us are eating away at our liberties, we still stand in freedom unimagined by Christian brothers and sisters around the world. I would highly recommend reading the Heavenly Man. I must warn of very graphic descriptions of torture he endured in Chinese prisons. Sometimes it is very difficult to read of the hardships beyond my comprehension, yet his testimony is that God was faithful! This man is looking at eternity, not his life in this world. I desire the burden of heart to pray and fast for those around me who don’t know God. To pour out my life for Christ not walking in my own strength. It begins each day with quiet time so I can know and hear the voice of Him who died to save me. Brother Yun gives a convicting example of this. Remember him!
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Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Dream Gardening
Do you garden? If so you are probably like me. Each winter you sit down with the catalogs and begin planning out your spring garden. As spring rolls around you find even more garden catalogs arriving in your mailbox. Your dream garden is put together in your mind or on paper. Then reality arrives! The soil is poor requiring lots of watering, you are so busy weeding falls by the wayside. The bugs eat the green beans, worms invade the watermelon and cantaloupe patch. Sound familiar? Despite all these problems I still love to garden.
When I was 12 my parents moved my brother, sister, and I out to the country and our gardening adventures began. My Dad got serious about it and bought a largeTroy Bilt roto tiller. We moved a number of times. I have moved 13 times since I was born. We had a many different soils to try out! I have a lot of memories of my brother, sister, and I working in the garden. When we lived in the Ozarks of southern Missouri for a year, we found ourselves “rock weeding”. As we drove around the countryside it was easy tell which garden plots had been cared for a long time. They were free of rocks having been picked out over the years. One year my Dad decided to plant 75 Roma tomato plants (we never did find out why). That summer we canned every type of tomato sauce we could think of! Then for the next 2 years we were sick of Roma tomatoes. It still makes me queasy to remember that never ending tomato smell as we canned!
I love the early mornings as a time to get the weeding done. The birds are singing and it’s still cool. I take after my Mom and don’t do well in the heat. I start a project and don’t like to stop until I’m done. I find myself out in the garden weeding, weeding, and more weeding. The next thing I know I feel like I’m going to pass out, I'm sun burnt because I forgot my suntan lotion, and my arms and legs are broke out from weed allergies. Yet there is a joy knowing you are growing your own food, being outside, getting work accomplished, watching your plants grow. Yes, I do love my gardens!
There are so many discussions about organic gardening these days. The pesticides and fertilizers in the vegetables and the condition of the soil many farms are a concern. As I read it convinces me to try to grow my own vegetables. Even if you don’t have access to big garden plots like I do, you could check out container gardening. I’m reading and learning a great deal about all these issues with our food.
This year I’m not going to plant in my 2 big gardens. I have too many things to get in order. I can’t do and be everything all at one time. (I’m learning this slowly!) I want to help my Mom get some container gardening going on her patio. Her health does not allow her to continue with garden plots. She has a small strawberry patch I put in for her 2 years ago. I would love to expand it. Strawberries are my favorite fruit. You can’t buy them in the store tasting the same as growing your own. I would like to plant some Asparagus this year. When I was little my Grandpa R. gave me some canned Asparagus. I remember thinking, “This must be what slime taste like!” I have avoided it since then. A neighbor recently gave me a huge sack full of fresh Asparagus. I know other people love it. I brought it to church for potluck and was given advice on stir frying it in a skillet with butter. I tried a bite of it and it was delicious!
Yesterday I took some time to look through a Miller Nurseries catalog. They have a number of plants on sale right now. I have my dream garden and orchard down on paper. Someday I’ll get it planted. It will be beautiful! Have any great soil to donate?:-)
The Dream Orchard
If you have ever watched the Anne of Green Gables movie you will recall Matthew taking Anne home from the train station. They drove through a apple orchard in bloom. That began my dream orchard ideas. These have been revised a number of times. I had never lived in one home long enough to start the orchard.
It will be a “secret” orchard. It will be lined on 2 sides with flowering dogwood trees with Mock Orange shrubs in between. French Lilac bushes will be planted on the shorter 2 sides. One end of the garden will allow enough room to pass through the Lilac bushes with an arbor in the opening. Landscape roses will back up the closed end of French Lilac bushes and have a garden bench in front. The orchard will have blueberry bushes, Fall Gold Raspberries, a nectarine tree, peach trees, apple trees, a cherry tree, grapes, kiwi, and a pear tree. I need walnuts, pecans, and almonds trees. Doesn’t it sound wonderful? My dream gardens are so much fun!
Enjoy your gardens this spring!
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Friday, April 14, 2006
Bread Machine Baking phone interview
I noticed the Urban Homemaker is having a Bread Machine baking phone interview coming up here in a few days. Visit their site for more information.
Next Seminar:
April 20, 2006 - BREAD MACHINE BAKING - Donna Rathmell German, author of Best Pizza is Made at Home, Pasta Machine Cookbook and many Bread Machine Cookbooks and baking expert will join us and help us troubleshoot our bread problems, talk about ethnic breads from around the world, pasta making, sourdough baking, and much, much more!
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Original Tortilla Recipe
I am going to re-post Carissa's Tortilla Recipe. She sent the original recipe which gave more steps and details than the last posting. Thanks Carissa!
Carissa's Original Tortilla Recipe
About 6 cups flour (whatever proportions of whole or white bread flour you desire)
1/1/2 tsp. salt
½ c. oil
2 ¼ cups warm water
Little honey if preferred (1-2 TBS)
Mix together, starting with about 5 cups of flour then knead, adding the rest of the flour as necessary, until smooth and gluten is developed. Cut into equal proportions with pizza cutter (makes about 20-25 tortillas).
You may round the pieces by rolling them in your hands slightly if desired as this achieves a more uniformly rounded shape. *****Let rest for 10-15 minutes****
(MOST IMPORTANT STEP) Roll out on a floured surface withfloured rolling pin- about 1/8” thick. Cook on ungreased (cast iron if youhave it) skillet on med-high heat about 30 sec. per side or until small brown specks develop. Keep warm until time to serve (in foil or unsealed ziploc.)
Keeps well in freezer for up to 2 months if they are completely cooled before sealing in baggie.
Keeps well in fridge for 1-1 ½ weeks ifsealed well.
Variations: With fruit, add some cinnamon and nutmeg, then increase the honey slightly.
For color: add chili powder and some cumin, parsley, or basil if serving with non-hispanic dishes.
For special occasions such as the Passover dinner – add ground coriander seed and extra honey as Exo 16:31 says: “And the house of Israel called the name thereof Manna; and it was like coriander seed, white; and the taste of it was like wafers made with honey.”
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Shonda Parker Phone Interview With Urban Homemaker
This morning I began listening to a phone interview the Urban Homemaker had with Shonda Parker. I didn’t realize the Urban Homemaker, one of my favorite companies, was doing these phone interviews. I think they are really neat! Shonda Parker was speaking about “ women's health issues, such as what causes irregular menstrual cycles? What can be done to help cycles be more regular in both young women and older women? What are some recommendations to help with PMS (i.e. mood swings, fatigue, irritability, scatterbrained-ness)? What are some natural ways women can build up their health before conceiving especially for older moms ages 35-45?"
I have only finished listening to about half the interview (its an hour long) and I decided to start all over and take notes.:-) I am a big, big fan of Shonda Parker! I love her books (which is why we carry them on our website!) and the manner she shares her herbal knowledge. I think she is very balanced. She believes in using herbs and whole foods as I do, but she does believe in traditional medical intervention when needed. I have been able to speak with Shonda Parker several times myself. She is a devoted Christian with a sweet humble spirit.
Try NaturallyHealthy website is her information website sharing “health for the whole family" This is my favorite site sharing a balanced approach to healthcare. Shonda offers a herbal course and a Professional herbal course through Naturally Healthy. She also has a Mother’s Guide to using herbal products for children chart. Shonda’s other website is BirthSupplies, Formerly SLC Birth & Parenting Supplies. "More than a business, we do our best to network with midwives and childbearing parents to help you achieve a healthier, more satisfying birth experience and smoothly transition into the delights of parenting with quality healthcare supplies at affordable prices." Midwives will appreciate the Custom Birth Kits available though Birth Supplies.
Though I am terrible at taking my own herbs, I have been interested in herbals for sometime. I have gone through so many new age herbal books trying to weed through the philosophy present. It’s a relief to find Shonda Parker!
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Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Become as a Little Child
This morning my 2 year old nephew, Mosiah, was playing with a new ABC’s puzzle Great-Granny gave him. My sister Caroline walked out of the room and came back in to find all the ABC’s missing. One was found trailing the edge of the couch. We pulled out the couch to find this toddler’s lost and found pile. Every book Caroline had been trying to find was in a pile along the wall. My lost long distance calling card, several socks (see the dryer doesn’t really eat them up, the couch does it!), some cooking utensils, and yes those ABC’s. Mosiah’s eyes lit up when he saw all these treasures. “Nenny, Nenny..Iah, Iah” Translated he was asking to come back behind the couch with me. Just think how exciting these small moments in life are to a 2 year old! Yesterday Mosiah spent time with his Nanna helping to transplant strawberries in the garden dirt. Nanna has a golf cart to putter around in. Mosiah’s face was priceless as he sat on her lap helping drive. Great-Papa has a bobcat he was working with. Mosiah is all boy, his favorite reading books are of tractors and machinery. Then to see a live bobcat in action! Well, he could hardly contain himself. His favorite animal is a dog, he got to see 4 of them at Nanna’s. What a day he had in the adventures of a 2 year old! He was fast asleep not far down the road on the way home. I watched his face as he slept and remembered the words of Christ.
“ And he took a child, and sat in the midst of them; and when he had taken the child in his arms, he said unto them, Whosoever shall humble himself like one of these children, and receiveth me, ye shall receive in my name. And whosoever shall receive me, receiveth not me only, but him that sent me, even the Father.” Mark 9:33-35
“Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not; for of such is the kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.” Mark 10:12, 13
I have read these scriptures many times. As I have watched the little friends about me, and now see my nephews growing, I realize how much I have to learn. The love and humble spirit a child can have. The joy! Mosiah is so excited to walk with God as he sees his parent’s example. When it is time to pray he does not hesitate to fall on his knees. If all the grownups in the room don’t follow suit he looks up with solemn blue eyes to wonder why. Do you know what money is for to a child? Money is here to give to God. Mosiah is happy to go to church. On the way he says, “pray, money, pray, God.” We part with our money so reluctantly as an adult. At mealtime Mosiah looks at the food, and says, “money’. Yes, the money from God bought the food he is told. In these moments I realize how much my spirit needs to change in Christ to become as a child. I desire the kingdom of God!
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Monday, April 03, 2006
Tortilla and Bread Recipes
I come from meat and potato loving parents. Steak is a huge treat to them. I think of steak as meat chewing gum. My all time favorite way to eat steak is cold, for breakfast. No kidding. Meat, well I can do without it. I like hamburger in stews, soups, etc. but not even by itself. I’m a fan of McDonald’s thin hamburgers. Bun, ketchup, and a little meat. It can’t get any better.:-) Okay, I don’t recommend eating at McDonald’s!
My favorite place to eat is Panera’s. I love, love bread. My recipe file is brimming full of breads, muffins, rolls, and biscuits. I pulled out a few to share.
A friend from church, Carissa, shared this recipe with me last week. I’ve been wanted to make these since tasting them fresh out of the skillet at her house. I had no idea tortillas could taste this good! The day after she left my sister Caroline made up a recipe. She will never want to eat store bought tortillas again.
6 cups flour
2 ¼ cup water
½ cup oil
1 tsp. salt
2-3 TB honey if desired
Knead in Bosch (or mixer) On oiled counter divide into about 20 equal sized pieces-let rest covered for 15 minutes. Heat skillet (preferably an iron skillet) to medium high heat. Roll out on a floured workplace until 1/8 thick then brown in skillet on both sides.
The key to rolling out tortillas is to not handle the dough any more than necessary.
Enjoy these warm off the skillet and fill for breakfast, lunch, or supper.
A friend gave me this recipe about 10 years ago. This is one of my favorite’s. It’s yummy and moist.
Oklahoma Bread
Cook about 3 ½ to 4 cups chopped potatoes. When soft, put in blender with 1 ½ cups of the potato water. Blend until smooth.
2 TB dry yeast (heaping)
1 tsp. honey
1 cup lukewarm water
Put in a 2 quart bowl and let rise for 10 minutes.
1 cup honey
1 cup oil
4 egg whites
4 tsp. salt (or less)
Mix and add to the potato mixture.
Start adding 12 cups whole wheat flour. Add a little at a time. Add about ½ cup and mix with a blender, then gradually add the rest while kneading. Knead for 10 minutes. Let rise (about 1 hour). Punch down and knead again for 10 minutes. Let rise (about 1 hour) Punch down and knead. Divide into pans. Let rise (about 1 to 4 hours) Butter top when warm.
Bake at 350 degrees 30- 35 minutes. Makes 6 loaves.
When this bread is baking you will be reminded of Thanksgiving dinner. The smell is wonderful as it bakes. I call it the “stuffing bread”. It’s quick, easy, and perfect as a special loaf for company.
Shepherd’s Loaf
Stir until dissolved in mixing bowl: ½ cup scalded milk, 1 TB butter, 1 ½ TB sugar or honey, 1 tsp. salt
Add to mixture: ¼ to ½ cup finely chopped onion, 1 ½ tsp Rosemary, 1 ½ tsp. dill weed or seed
Dissolve 1 pkg or 1 TB yeast into ½ cup warm water (add honey)
Mix in 2 ¼- 3 cups whole wheat flour (for a lighter bread, use part unbleached white flour.)
The batter will be sticky.
Knead the dough 10 minutes. Let rise in bowl until double in size. Punch down the dough and form into one large round loaf (or two small ones) Let rise again on oiled cookie sheet. Bake on center rack at 325 degrees for 40-45 minutes. Allow to cool slightly on rack before slicing.
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