Friday, July 07, 2006

Celebrating Women & Daughters Conference Report

The following is a report on the June 23-24 Chicago Women & Daughter's Conference. If you are interested in attending one of these conferences visit Blessing God's Way for further details on the October 20, 21 conference being held in Richmond, Virginia.

Blessing God's Way and Faith & Family Books

June 23-24 marked a celebration of the first annual
Celebrating Women & Daughters Conference at the facilities of Trinity
International University. Guest speakers included Peggy Franklin, RN, ND,
CPM and Doran Richards, Co-author of A Celebration of Pregnancy and Co-owner
of Blessing God's Way.

Some of the conference sessions taught were Celebrating Birth by Design,
Development of Maidenhood, Trusting Birth, and more! The goal of the
conference was to educate women how to celebrate God's unique design for the
woman and her body from the onset of menses right on through the
childbearing years into the years of menopause. Women of all ages attended
wanting to learn more about some topics that are so infrequently spoken

The attendees were excited, refreshed and encouraged by the heart and
message of Peggy Franklin and Doran Richards. Neither the culture nor
church today rejoices in how the Lord designed and created the female body
to function. There is an air of fear and disdain surrounding it and this
should not be. This conference aimed to reclaim God\s design bringing Him
back to the center of womanhood and it succeeded! The conference attendees
left desiring to share the message with others. The church, as a whole,
needs to view all issues encircling womanhood a blessing not a curse!

For more information, please visit
<> or

Written by Mrs. Robert Gould

Mrs. Gould is a wife, homeschooling mother to six children. She resides in
the NW suburbs of Chicago with her family.


This is from the conference in Chicago that just took place. there will be
another conference, Celebrating Women & Daughters, again in Richmond on
October 20, 21 at West End Alliance Church. It offers classes for young
ladies and their mother's that enable a safe, fun and godly teaching
environment for issues like maidenhood, pregnancy and much more! Consider
taking your daughter, sister or aunt and grandma to this conference - you
will be inspired!

Glory be to Him,

Doran Richards

* Classical Conversations - join us for 2006/07!

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